Artistic Credits
What the Plus?
Original art brings its own intrinsic value. The abstract pluses are here to inspire us and we hope, bring joy to all those who work at Attacat.
We are very grateful to our amazing brand consultant Diane Laurie and visual communicator Matt Rooke for working with us to come up with this creative concept.

More than just adding
Although clearly inspired by "adding", the plus sign stands for much more than that
+ For growth, getting bigger
+ For marketing that adds to the overall offering
+ For positivity and optimism
+ For doing more than average and being above average
+ For togetherness and being greater than the sum of the parts. That applies to relationships between our clients too.
+ For its association with the 1s and 0s of digital. Maths and tech have close associations.
+ For not being negative (Success at the cost of others is not an option)
+ For adding to lives
Multiple pluses working together
We have different pluses to capture:
+ The multi-layered nature of who we are
+ Our adaptability
+ Our je ne sais quoi

Our commissioned artists
To launch the concept we scoured the web for artists that excited us. We hope that these professional artists may inspire up and coming artists to create their own “optimistic plus” that we can feature here on the site so there is always new art on the site for us and others to enjoy.
Fiona Mares
Contributing from North America, Fiona is a digital artist with a passion for pastel colours.
What we love about it: We wanted what we consider Fiona’s signature colours and she delivered. The unexpected delight though was her first “prototype” inspired the idea of a 3D puzzle. Growth can be a puzzle and achieving it gives a similar sense of satisfaction.

Jonatan Xavier
Jonatan (without an “h”!*) is a Brazilian designer and illustrator.
What we love about it: The vibrancy and the colours instantly take us to a carnival and good times. Cerveja por favor.
*This is a reference to Jon, a long-time Attacat, who is always tired of telling people how to spell his name. We suspect Jonatan might be too!
Maria Gronland
Great listener, digital artist and experienced brand creative. We were drawn to Maria for her ability to communicate meaning in her work.
What we love about it: The arms of the plus wanting to give you a hug! Maria herself says it much better though with her wonderful write up of the project!

Mo Tuncay
Netherland’s based abstract painter Mo, produced our first plus and also, to date, our only physical piece of art.
What we love about it: the simple plus with the complex underneath says to us that “growth” may be a simple looking outcome, but underneath there’s a huge amount of complexity and interaction required to make it happen. The more we look at it, the more we love it (and we loved it when we first saw it!).
Petr Strnad
Petr describes himself as a multimedia artist. In reality he’s a multi-talented abstract artist hailing from the Czech Republic and now based in London.
What we love about it: We’ve sought to avoid “recti-linear” like the plague throughout this branding project so a non-recti-linear impact created from rectangles really caught our attention. It is probably also the least “plus” like of the prototypes he presented to us but we felt some contrast would create some variety in the collection.

Rosco Brittin
Graphic designer turned full time artist, Rosco (amongst other things) creates wonderful digital art from physical objects. The work he created for us combines some original painting and scans of flowers and leaves from 1970s wallpapers.
What we love about it: We knew Rosco would be able to do “organic” in a much more creative and inspiring way than anyone else. (Tim’s Mum and Dad also used to have this wallpaper in their kitchen!)