Newsletter – December 2021

Still Growing…

Over the last few months we are delighted to welcome the following new clients into the fold:

The Royal Mint
Origin Fitness

We’ll tell you more about them in the new year.

View from the other side of the fence

Hannah Porter was working on the client side for many years before switching over to joining us. See what she thinks the main differences are.

Chat with Hannah November 21 from Attacat Internet Marketing on Vimeo.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Tech Thoughts: Make getting to grips with “consent” your New Year’s resolution

If January is a time to tackle what you keep putting off such as losing weight or getting fit, then what better time to get your digital marketing approach to privacy sorted out.  The good news is that it isn’t as hard as you think.

Here we set out a handful of simple(ish!) steps to ensure you have a consent process in place for the three digital marketing cornerstones that most businesses rely on, namely:

Digital advertising
Email marketing (which is readily adaptable to other direct digital marketing such as chat, push notifications and SMS)

Here are five steps that we think everyone should
now be taking:

  1. Get a “Do not pass go” cookie banner that actually works
  2. Put clear privacy information wherever you collect email addresses and get a linked “preference centre”
  3. Make risk-based decisions on your approach to targeted advertising and analytics
  4. Draw up a privacy policy that is known and understood by management and customer facing teams
  5. Implement automated deletion of out of date contact information


Doing the above certainly does not guarantee full compliance. Hopefully though they are achievable steps that businesses can make a firm part of their early 2022 plans. We urge you to make this a key New Year’s resolution and of course would be happy to help you on that journey.

Another new face at Attacat

Lee McDonald

Lee has recently joined as a Data Specialist and is working on Google Analytics and HubSpot integrations. He decided to switch careers from the hospitality industry when COVID hit and went on CodeClan’s Data Analysis intensive 3 month course and has now joined us with his newly updated technical skills.

Away from work still enjoys beer (he brews his own) and travelling.

…And Still Recruiting

We’re not done yet. We are still looking for people to fill the following roles:

And generally we are on the lookout for anyone with experience of (and a passion for) HubSpot.

For more information on any of the above please visit


Sign up for our demos of HubSpot features

While some of you will already be aware of HubSpot’s features, they do update and launch new ones on a frequent basis. And while HubSpot’s own descriptions are excellent, we wanted to showcase them based on our own experience and highlight the tools across CRM, Marketing, Sales & Service Hub in action. These are the tools we use to increase productivity & efficiencies whilst also enhancing your customers & prospects experience.

Each of the features will be demonstrated in a short video and presented by the Attacat subject expert.  Examples include:

  • Snippets & templates
  • Conversation inbox and live chat
  • Landing page personalisation
  • Creating an ad

There will be a total of 8 short 2 minute videos, describing each feature and the benefits that it brings. If you are interested in signing up for these videos that will be released throughout January and February.



If you need any help in doing "digital" better don't hesitate to contact us.

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