Web Analytics & Conversion Rate Optimisation May Roundup

Please find a  brief overview of  all the major events and findings that caught my eye in May. If you think I may have missed something please feel free to share your wisdom in the comments below.

News & Events

April Issues

No doubt the biggest news in the  #measure world was the successful fixing of April’s issues  in Google Analytics. Thanks to the guys at Google we can now go back and analyse advanced segments and custom reports from April.

Continuing with Google, if you are  involved in the Android apps business you will be happy to find out that they have added E-commerce tracking in GA for apps (android logically). Another step towards an entirely measurable life!

Web Analytics TV

Also in Analytics news, May provided us with  another very enjoyable episode of Nick & Nash TV show .  I would  recommend this to anybody involved in Analytics (but only those who don’t use Hit as a metric, Pageview as the KPI and don’t produce unsegmented reports). Usually just one episode gives you more answers than a week of searching (I find Google help a mess).

Happy Birthday Avinash

And to finalise my review of May’s important events, happy 5th birthday to the best web analytics blog in this universe. In my opinion, there is  no other resource on the planet as informative and entertaining as Avinash’s blog. Take a minute to check out Avinash’s first blog post ,  I think its even more relevant now than it was 5 years ago!


The following section combines all of the tasty links I found this month.

GA Custom Variables

First of all I would like to share a link to the post on GA Custom variables by Justin Cutroni. Custom variables are perhaps the most nerdy part of working with GA, but Justin has a fascinating ability to write about pretty complicated topics without loosing the human language and going in too deep (check out his books too).  I would recommend this to anybody who struggles to understand how CVs work!

Site Speed Report

I’m sure you all heard about the new GA interface and the abundance of new reports available. Some of them are still in beta test mode, while some are only available in the States (no shock there),  but the Site Speed report is the one that I’m really excited about. This new report provides a fantastic opportunity to improve your site speed, and failing to set it up will cost you dearly!   Check out the Lunametrics’ post for details on how to set it up

Feedback tools

In the past I’ve had problems finding the perfect feedback sharing solution . Had the guys from UX Booth  wrote this guide earlier, I would have saved a lot of time! Checkout the list of feedback tools with basic description

A look at the past

This interesting find by Brian Eisenberg will definitely make you rethink your marketing strategy. Have a look at how David Oglivy’s speech can and should still be used in your business decision making process


Everything Else

Apple, with all its latest innovations, has managed to outperform Google as the number 1 brand in the world. See details and rest of the brands ranking here


And to finish..

If you have some insightful web analytics resources or an event that  I accidently skipped, please feel free to post it in comments and I will add it to the post afterwards (proper attribution and link is guaranteed!)

If you need any help in doing "digital" better don't hesitate to contact us.

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