From novelty gift to an ongoing experience
7 years of consistent growth

Have you ever fancied having your own (albeit mini!) Highland estate or styling yourself (or a friend) as a Lord or Lady?
The good news is Highland Titles can sort you out on both fronts for just £40! And in the process you’ll also contribute to the creation of two nature reserves.
Since 2012 Attacat have worked with Highland Titles to grow the business by turning this novelty gift into an ongoing experience that is:
- easy to buy into; and
- promotes word of mouth.
The creation of the Highlands’ most popular nature reserve, a virtual attraction, on and offline community and environmental education resource has led to significant growth for Highland Titles, year after year.
Skills on show
The approach
Expanding the PPC advertising and some technical SEO were the quick wins.
The longer strategy was turning what was a one-off gift into a lifetime experience that encourages repeat purchase and recommendations.
The strategy was built on the insight that a surprising number of customers were travelling (including from the far side of the world!) to find their square foot of land in person.
The core idea was making the reserve into more of an attraction. It included appointing a “warden” who could be the public face of the reserve and offer existing customers free guided tours.
We then used “digital” to bring the reserve to life virtually. This included:
- An active facebook presence with video and photo updates to keep customers in touch with their land
- A virtual tour with video and Google Street View style navigation
- Drone footage
- High quality aerial photography and map functions to allow customer to find their plot
- An app that keeps customers in touch with their estate by providing news, weather and a compass to find their way to their plot.
- Ongoing educational content that keeps customers engaged and attracts search engine traffic.
All this is continually amplified through search, social and email bringing in new customers and keeping customers coming back for more. This in turn creates opportunities for additional revenue and paid for services.

The results
consistent YoY growth since 2013
new nature reserves
new customers
would recommend Highland Titles

"The team at Attacat work hard and they genuinely “get us”. They have a sound understanding of what we do, what we’re about and where we’re going and their work delivers results’’
– Douglas Wilson, Director at Highland Titles

Circular growth
Highland Titles have seen this dramatic growth from investing in the customer experience. The customer gets more for their money and in turn Highland Titles has the opportunity for upsells, repeat business, new products and referrals.
The additional revenue has obviously created local employment both directly but also indirectly through creating the “trigger” for overseas visitors to choose Scotland. The growth has also enabled the purchase of the land for the second reserve as well as being able to invest in the future.
A gift that surprises and delights but also helps restore a part of Scotland’s natural landscape was always going to be right up Attacat’s street. When that’s combined with the opportunity to work with Highland Titles’ incredibly entrepreneurial team, it’s no surprise that we enjoy every step of the journey with them!
Let's talk growth

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