17 years of profitable growth and supporting Scottish craftsmanship

15% annual growth may sound underwhelming, but when repeated for 17+ years it becomes a sustainable multi-million-pound business to be proud of. ScotlandShop's vision is to bring traditional and contemporary Scottish fashion to the world, whilst supporting heritage skills and creating rural employment. A story of hard graft and success in navigating changes in technology and establishing a loyal customer base through excelling in customer service.
The challenge
To continuously keep Anna and her team ahead of the curve on marketing and technology whilst not being so far ahead that the market and technology (browsers, broadband and search engines) were not ready for it.

The approach

The results
years of growth
average YoY growth
figure turnover from start-up
revenue in 2018/2019

“The relationship we have built with Attacat has been key to continuing our growth through unprecedented times. They feel like part of the team rather than an agency working on our behalf."
– Anna White, Owner at ScotlandShop

17 years of growing together
ScotlandShop have raised the standards in the clothing and interior products Scotland offers to the world online. It's a business that has given worth to traditional skills and created employment in the Scottish Borders and other rural areas.
In the words of Attacat founder, Tim Barlow “If there’s one business I really feel twinned with, it’s ScotlandShop. Attacat’s growth has almost exactly mirrored ScotlandShop’s, we feel the same pains and the same pride in what we’ve created. We have been through it all together over many years in business. Every sale Anna makes feels like a sale for Attacat, likewise every new team member or move of premises. We have totally and absolutely “grown together””.
Let's talk growth

Arrange a chat with our experts to find out how we can increase your ecommerce sales.